About Us

As early as 2015, a need was identified, from consultation with the larger Commercial Landlords, for the establishment of a City Improvement District for the Town Centre Municipal Area. Through tireless efforts and engagement with these Property Owners and the City of Cape Town, the Mitchell’s Plain Town Centre Improvement District (MPTCID) came into being in July 2019. The Non-Profit Company that runs the Town Centre Improvement District was registered and the Special Rating Area started generating revenue from Property Owners for the purpose of Improving the Town Centre known as Sub Council 12 Wolfgat.

In November 2019, the MPTCID appointed its Service Providers by Public Tender for the roll out of its Business and Implementation Plan. These service providers included the appointment of a City Improvement District Executive Manager, the Public Safety security and guarding services, as well as the initial roll out of their capital expenditure budgets for the establishment of an On-Site CCTV Control room, CID Offices and a Perimeter CCTV surveillance system.  The Public Safety and Security Top-Up Guarding Services were implemented by December 2019. The CCTV system and the control room installation were completed by May of 2020. The Executive Management function, as well as the On-Site Supervisors of the Public Safety Officers and the Controllers of the CCTV, now operates from the CID Offices.

After the establishment, our focus was to engage the City Council and its various departments with regard to the status of service delivery for the Town Centre. Our engagement also included all the law enforcement agencies and SAPS that operate in Town Centre. We also engaged with and assisted in the conclusion of existing incomplete projects, most notably the Gate and Fencing Closure project for the Perimeter Closure of Town Centre at night.

Further, we have also engaged with the Political Structures of the Town Centre, represented by Councillor Solomon Philander and the City Manager. Our Mayor, Dan Plato, was invited and visited us in December 2020. The visit was significant to the Mission of the MPTCID and the improvement of overall service delivery to the Town Centre.  

We have also established a CID Cleaning Services Team, which is part of our social upliftment project, that assists daily with the Cleaning and Cleansing of the Town Centre. Our focus is on Hotspot Dumping and the Top Up of City Council Cleaning Services.

Our Purpose is to provide the Top-Up Services (identified) for improvement of Public Safety and Cleansing at the Town Centre. The Coordination and Integration of Public and Private Services is paramount to the achievement of these objectives. Our daily task is the finding and implementing of solutions to bridge the divide between the current lack of Service Delivery and a Cleaner and Safer Town Centre.

Finally, we have established a CID Community Hotline 24/7 for the reporting of all matters that relate to Public Safety, Crime, Cleaning, Social Welfare and Lack of Service Delivery. Through this 24/7 Hotline, we have already been able to assist many people, property owners, tenants, informal traders, visitors and day shoppers to the Town Centre.

This website provides links to the City of Cape Town website in order to give ratepayers access to the responsible departments for service delivery, bearing in mind that the CID only provides top-up services and that the City of Cape Town is responsible for providing the basic services.